My Vision of Leadership (Leadership Challenges and Learning Organizations)

My thoughts for Blog 5

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For 6 sessions, I learned leadership aspects in my “Leading in a Changing World” module of my MBA program taught by Dr. Joyce Lim at PSB. To begin, she generously shared her life experiences and encouraged us to share ours, for inspiration. Amongst all, I grasp concepts like “ethical, handling diversity, managing change, and leading styles”. Lastly, being a good leader isn’t enough – the aim is to embody the above principles while leading. Being Authentic, with a capital A.

An Authentic leader motivates and inspires followers to reach objectives by being genuine and honest, with an ethical viewpoint achieved through increased mindfulness and equitable evaluation (Crawford et al, 2020, p. 126).

My Vision of Leadership

In this blog, after learning models and theories of leadership, I want to highlight what is deeper. The Authentic Leader. 

Source: Goggle

“What sets apart a good leader from a great one?” Charisma? Smartness? or a deeper attribute? Authentic leadership shows that most impactful leaders are those who remain true to themselves and their principles.

In the organization, Authentic leadership enhances employees’ emotional attachment to their job, boosting overall team performance, encouraging improved performance (Duarte et al, 2021, p. 1).

On a self-level, Authentic leadership is where leaders are conscious of their thoughts and actions, in the environment they function. They are always conscious of their own values, morals, strengths, and knowledge as leaders and as subordinates. (Maximo et al, 2019, p. 2)

To me, an Authentic leader does not need to possess leadership qualities or hold a high post. Don’t need approval or be noticed. They only need to strive at improving oneself.

This manner of leading to positively impact others by becoming the best version of oneself, and is achievable; anyone can reach this goal by embracing a “learn-by-doing” approach.

My inspiration, The Reasons

Source: Goggle

Oprah Winfrey distinct herself as an Authentic leader. Overcoming a challenging past to find success as a television presenter, actress, entrepreneur, producer, and philanthropist. Over her career as CEO of Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), she was a source of inspiration for countless people. LIFE flagged her the most influential woman of her generation and her Network has raised sums for charitable programs. She advocated for children’s rights and was involved in the legislation of a nationwide registry for child abusers.

Oprah has launched the careers of numerous individuals, authors, and brands. She can influence a whole industry without mentioning any individual or item. (Shazanah Abdul Wahab et al, 2020, p. 62)

Source: Goggle

It would be an injustice not to recommend this book to illustrate her authentic style.

Feedback for me

Well, throughout the course, there was no survey or feedback done. But I do garner at times kind comments passed to me that I would mostly seek input and teamwork and cooperation, like to have open communication and chance to make decisions and involving members. However, to narrow down to my style of leadership, I suspected a mix of democratic and participative.


A self-test done at confirmed it. Indeed, these are good traits in the media industry where you can’t function alone. 

Skills Development

Source: Goggle

I cannot agree more to the comments and the self-test.

It is stated that the participative/democratic leadership style, being the most effective, involves the leader providing guidance to group members while encouraging their participation, taking part and welcoming contributions from members (Košičiarová et al, 2021, p. 3).


I must be receptive to feedback with a positive mindset, leverage on listening and continuous improvement, and cultivating bonds with colleagues. While enhancing my language fluency and presentation, I too must improve teamworking skills by acknowledging my weaknesses and being open to feedback from peers. These skills come in handy in my current Healthcare role.

To me is not about skills mastery or discovering a natural leader. It is the ability to convince others to follow that is probably one of the most difficult responsibilities for a leader. Is possible only if I set a positive example to inspire my followers. When faced with challenges, they look at me how I am dealing with the situation.

To all readers leaders – I leave you with this.

Source: Goggle


Crawford, J. A., Dawkins, S., Martin, A., & Lewis, G. (2020). Putting the leader back into authentic leadership: Reconceptualising and rethinking leaders. Australian Journal of Management, 45(1), 031289621983646. Sagepub.

Duarte, A. P., Ribeiro, N., Ribeiro, N., Semedo, A. S., & Gomes, D. R.. (2021). Authentic Leadership and Improved Individual Performance: Affective Commitment and Individual Creativity’s Sequential Mediation. 12, 1–11.

Maximo, N., Stander, M. W., & Coxen, L. (2019). Authentic leadership and work engagement: The indirect effects of psychological safety and trust in supervisors. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 45(0).

Shazanah Abdul Wahab, Mohamad, N., & Wahab, S. (2020). Influences of Women’s Leadership Performance Towards the Corporate, Political and Social Success: A Review and Research Agenda. Asian Journal of Research in Business and Management, 2(4), 54–68.

Košičiarová, I., Kádeková, Z., & Štarchoň, P. (2021). Leadership and Motivation as Important Aspects of the International Company’s Corporate Culture. Sustainability, 13(7), 3916. MDPI.

12 responses to “My Vision of Leadership (Leadership Challenges and Learning Organizations)”

  1. “Insightful reflections on leadership! Your vision of leadership as a journey of growth, learning, and empowerment resonates deeply. The challenges you’ve highlighted, such as navigating complexity and fostering a culture of trust, are indeed crucial for effective leadership. Your emphasis on learning organizations and continuous improvement is also spot on. Well-articulated and relatable, this article offers valuable lessons for leaders and aspiring leaders alike. Keep sharing your wisdom!”


    1. thanks for review boss


    2. Have gained another perspective of being a leader from your article… “authentic” is being true to yourself and others, to inspire others in following the leader, is to set not just a good example, but a honest example.

      Keep on streaming in such articles, it is a good read!


      1. Thanks LHH for reviewing and commenting on my article.


  2. Authentic Leader, gave me the guidelines


    1. tks doreen. in fact many types of leaders can write, authentic is only one of them.


  3. Hi Alvin,

    Yes, I agree that to be a authetic leader, you must be able to accept feedback, whether is negative or positive. Hope to see you holding a leadership role soon! 🙂


    1. all the best to all in the program. cheers


  4. The definition of “authentic leader” is indeed making the blog so impressive to read. Thank you for sharing your valuable vision of leadership journey.


    1. thanks Kathy. hope you find my article useful.


  5. Kind and Authentic leader, with solid context on your journey, nice !


    1. thanks for review and comment colin


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